Two women looking at clothes in a clothing store.

Looking Good is Actually Good For You!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! It’s a time of new beginnings and a fresh start to your year. This is a time when many of us take stock in our lives and decide to make a New Year’s resolution. The most common resolution has been to shed unwanted pounds, but perhaps you have something different in mind. Maybe you want go back to school, change professions, take ballroom dancing lessons, or join the local gym. Whatever your resolution is, it’s very important that you practice healthy self-care along the way. Taking care of your health, and making your own needs a priority, will positively impact your ability to succeed.

Some examples of healthy self-care are: eating right, exercising regularly, getting eight hours of sleep each night, and spending quality time with friends and family. What you may not immediately consider as healthy self-care is taking time to look good. Paying attention to your outward appearance directly affects how you feel about yourself.

The average American woman is said to see her reflection 55 times daily! That means 55 opportunities to react either positively or negatively to her own appearance. That can be quite a confidence booster or a confidence buster. Even small changes in your personal image can transform your image and uplift your life. When you take the time to look good it will actually make you feel better. And when you feel better, your self-esteem is ignited, your confidence will get a lift, and you will feel more capable to tackle that New Year’s resolution.

Your personal image is so much more than hair, make-up and clothing. Looking great and feeling great can actually have an impact on your health. Studies have shown there is a direct link to expediting a woman’s recovery from illness when she is encouraged to spruce up and do her hair and make-up. Ever notice when you are recovering from being sick, you feel better after bathing and putting on fresh clothes? The actual term is called “Appearance Related Side Effects” and it has been used in health programs dealing with stroke, cancer, and even domestic violence victims. It’s as if paying attention to our physical appearance triggers something deep inside us that raises our self-esteem, elevates our mood, and is healing.

So, this year remember that practicing healthy self-care includes taking time to look your best. It’s good for your self-esteem, your confidence, and most importantly, your health.

Self-Image Tips

• First and foremost remember that self-care is not self-fish
• Wear colors that compliment your eyes, skin tone, hair, and personality
• Try current make-up tips
• Update your hairstyle
• Practice good posture
• Brighten your smile
• Wear clothes that are the right proportion, fit and style
• Clear your closet of items that are not your style, personal colors or no longer fit
• Wear clothes that accentuate the positive and camouflage the challenges
• Appreciate and embrace the body you have today
• Smile – it’s your best asset!